Lacey ArtemisYou Probably Don’t Have A Soul Mate And Here’s WhyDon’t worry, it’s good news.Jan 28, 20222Jan 28, 20222
Lacey ArtemisHelp, I’m In Love With Everyone!Pondering polyamory has led my heart to want to spread the love around!Jan 7, 20221Jan 7, 20221
Lacey ArtemisFeatured AttractionsAttraction is a peculiar thing, especially once you start picking it apart.Jun 28, 2019Jun 28, 2019
Lacey ArtemisHow To Date A ‘Damaged’ PersonI am a ‘damaged’ person, but I am building a beautiful garden. Here’s how you can too.Nov 11, 20202Nov 11, 20202
Lacey ArtemisV Is For VulnerabilityConnection, intimacy, and vulnerability are all things people desire, crave, or need, yet they can so often be hard to access. Why?Dec 29, 20211Dec 29, 20211
Lacey ArtemisC Is For CommunityHere are a few online communities I joined in 2021 and some that I hope to join in 2022.Dec 29, 2021Dec 29, 2021